These Are Our​


Restorative justice circles

Restorative justice circles
Look to the power of Restorative Justice Circles, an ancient yet timeless tool for weaving communities together, harnessing collective wisdom, resolving conflicts, and fostering healing. Experience the potential of this ancestral technology as it helps your community to thrive, reconcile, and build stronger, more cohesive bonds.
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We can help your institution thrive in serving BIPOC communities with our specialized cultural consulting services. We provide expert guidance and tailored frameworks to ensure your organization can authentically engage and support diverse audiences.
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Environmental justice

Environmental justice
Transforming outdoor spaces into vibrant, living classrooms, we cultivate gardens that serve as epicenters of learning, connection, and empowerment for entire communities. Through the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth, we integrate science, art, and the wisdom of the land to foster holistic education and environmental stewardship.
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Embark on a transformative journey with our diverse array of workshops, each meticulously crafted to empower and inspire. From delving into the intricacies of environmental justice and healing justice to exploring the vital concepts of food sovereignty and birth work, our offerings are as expansive as they are impactful.
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Cultural recovery

Cultural recovery
We intimately understand the profound cultural shifts and challenges when navigating new systems. Rejecting the notion of assimilation as the only path to acceptance, we stand firm in our belief that our culture is our strength.
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Restorative justice circles

Look to the power of Restorative Justice Circles, an ancient yet timeless tool for weaving communities together, harnessing collective wisdom, resolving conflicts, and fostering healing. Experience the potential of this ancestral technology as it helps your community to thrive, reconcile, and build stronger, more cohesive bonds.

Mazorca services


We can help your institution thrive in serving BIPOC communities with our specialized cultural consulting services. We provide expert guidance and tailored frameworks to ensure your organization can authentically engage and support diverse audiences. With our assistance, you’ll enhance cultural relevance, foster inclusivity, and cultivate meaningful connections with the communities you serve.

Mazorca services

Justice and Gardens

Transforming outdoor spaces into vibrant, living classrooms, we cultivate gardens that serve as epicenters of learning, connection, and empowerment for entire communities. Through the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth, we integrate science, art, and the wisdom of the land to foster holistic education and environmental stewardship.

At the heart of our mission is the belief that every child deserves to understand the profound interconnectedness of our world. By embedding gardens into educational settings, we not only enrich climate activism but also instill invaluable life skills. From nurturing seeds to harvesting bounty, we empower young minds to cultivate their own sustenance and nurture a deep reverence for nature.

In our commitment to comprehensive sustainability, our gardens can be tailored to include a three-bin compost system, providing a hands-on lesson in the alchemy of soil creation. After all, soil is the lifeblood of any thriving garden, and understanding its importance lays the foundation for a lifetime of ecological stewardship.
Join us in sowing the seeds of knowledge, nourishing our communities, and cultivating a brighter, greener future for generations to come.

Mazorca services


Embark on a transformative journey with our diverse array of workshops, each meticulously crafted to empower and inspire. From delving into the intricacies of environmental justice and healing justice to exploring the vital concepts of food sovereignty and birth work, our offerings are as expansive as they are impactful. Led by passionate community teachers with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, our workshops serve as catalysts for growth, understanding, and collective action. Join us and harness the breadth of wisdom and experience within our community to drive positive change and create a more just, equitable world.

Mazorca services

Cultural recovery

We intimately understand the profound cultural shifts and challenges when navigating new systems. Rejecting the notion of assimilation as the only path to acceptance, we stand firm in our belief that our culture is our strength. La cultura cura. Together, let’s reclaim the rich ancestral wisdom embedded within our communities and ourselves.

Mazorca services
More Services​

We Use Plants To Bring Life​

Mother’s Circles​
Herbal Medicine Workshops
Spiral Herbal Gardens​
Workshop: “Nixtamal: the secret of the corn”​
Workshop: “Composting 101″​
Workshop: “Climate Activism through Traditional Ecological Knowledge”​
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